What About The Children?
Raising awareness about the never-changing emotional needs of the under-threes in our ever-changing society
Registered Charity Number 1108816
Unfortunately, What About The Children? has been unable to recruit new and additional Trustees needed to ensure its future, the charity has no paid employees so the trustees undertake the day-to-day work. It is with considerable regret that the Board of Trustees has taken the decision to close the charity and is currently engaged with the necessary procedures, in accordance with the Charity’s Commission guidelines, to complete the process.
The Board of Trustees would like to express their thanks for the support and interest in What About The Children? and its work to raise awareness about the never-changing emotional needs of the under-threes in our ever-changing society.
New research summary
Singing to babies promotes wellbeing all round…
Research demonstrates that when a parent sings to their baby it can have a calming effect on their emotional regulation. This, in turn, promotes ‘attunement’ between the two, serving to validate the parent in their role:
When infants feel their needs are being met, and parents feel successful in meeting those needs, the relationship is strengthened (Sharman et al, 2023)
A summary of recent research from a team at The University of Auckland, New Zealand, led by Kirsten Sharman.
The Summary has been prepared for What About The Children? by Julie Kent.

Feel free to contact us with any questions.
tel: +44 (0) 845 602 7145 (office hours 9 to 5)